Centro Studi Acting – Training school for actors and directors

The Center directed by Lucilla Lupaioli celebrates in 2022 its fifteenth year of pedagogical, creative and artistic activity in Rome.

The Academy of training and training in the performing arts, from which actors who work with constancy and success in cinema and theater have come out, works to consolidate an artistic and human path that is the result of more than twenty-five years of study, work and research in the fields of acting, directing, dramaturgy and actor training.
In 2014 ‘Centro Studi Acting’ won the MiasSaggi Teatring National Prize for Independent Acting Schools in Milan, a competition for which he achieved a new success also in 2015, winning the second Prize.

The methodologies are based on an organic, practical training whose results achieve to reach a professional development of Actors and Directors Skills.

It is therefore essential to also provide concrete and effective tools: in addition to involving the actors in our productions, we are always committed to creating a network, in the intricate fabric of the profession, made up of contacts, auditions, news, meetings, to make that bridge real and viable.

For as concern the Acting Course the Academy is structured as follows:

  • A 3 year full time professional school for actors (October to June)
  • It is a practical training course for performers with the theoretical subject of ‘History of theatre’
  • The main subjects are: acting, voice education, singing, movement, dancing, dramaturgy and diction/elocution. 
  • The course offers professional development programmes with industry engagement and showcases with agents and casting directors during the final shows for each year.
  • The number of students per class can vary between 10 and 20 depending on the number of students who were able to pass the auditions

In order to graduate from the Academy, the students need to complete the 3-year program and attend at least 80% of the total amount of hours each year not only for the main subject but also for any additional extra workshop such as: acting in camera, theatre dance, Feldenkrais, Linklater method, casting.